Wednesday, January 18, 2012

[Outsource:58940] QA position in IL- sureshot placement

Please submit resumes to

I have QA position in IL. There will be only one written test and one formal telephonic interview.


Max rate we can give is $40/hr on c2c.


Below are the 3 questions. Whoever can crack these questions will get the position for sure. Please try your best and send me the suitable candidate. Appreciate your help.





1.      Write a case study where you explain in detail how you would implement an automated testing framework that would test a web site like Amazon.Com at the API level. Choose any functionality you want from the web site. You will not use any commercial tools for this exercise and you are not required to provide a correct syntax. Explaining the algorithm and the implementation of automation is enough.




Explain in detail, a situation where you were in charge of writing an automated testing framework to test at the API level. If you did not write the framework from scratch, explain how you maintained it. Provide clear examples of tests you wrote yourself.


2.      Show an example of a very complex stored procedure in PL/SQL that you wrote from scratch and explain why you implemented it the way you did. Explain the purpose of the stored procedure and explain how you could improve the performance of the stored procedure used in the example.



3.      Explain what is the output of the SQL statement below:


select /*+ parallel(a,4) parallel(b,4) */ a.link_id, a.fc, case when a.elev is null or b.elev is null then '2D' else '3D' end dim,  sum(case when a.elev is null or b.elev is null then sqrt(power(,2)+power(a.lon-b.lon,2)) else sqrt(power(,2)+power(a.lon-b.lon,2)+power(nvl(a.elev,0)-nvl(b.elev,0),2)) end) len from (select nlc.link_id link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, nvl(nvl(sn.hplon,n.hplon),nlc.ref_node_lon*100) LON, nvl(nvl(sn.hplat,n.hplat),nlc.ref_node_lat*100) LAT, n.hpelevation ELEV, 0 sequence from nt_cv_spline_junction sn, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc, nt_cv_spline_node n



where nlc.ref_node_id = sn.node_id(+) and nlc.ref_node_id = n.node_id(+)

union select nlc.link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, hplon, hplat, hpelevation, sequence from nt_cv_spline_shape_point sp, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc where nlc.link_id = sp.link_id

union select nsp.link_id, nsp.functional_class fc, nsp.lon*100,*100, null, nsp.sequence from adas_jn_nav_shape_pt nsp where not exists (select 1 from nt_cv_spline_shape_point where link_id = nsp.link_id)

union select nlc.link_id link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, nvl(nvl(sn.hplon,n.hplon),nlc.nref_node_lon*100), nvl(nvl(sn.hplat,n.hplat),nlc.nref_node_lat*100), n.hpelevation, nvl(sp.sequence,0)+1 from nt_cv_spline_junction sn, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc, nt_cv_spline_node n, (select ns.link_id, nvl(max(s.sequence),max(ns.sequence)) sequence from nt_cv_spline_shape_point s, adas_jn_nav_shape_pt ns where s.link_id(+) = ns.link_id GROUP BY ns.link_id) sp

where nlc.nref_node_id = sn.node_id(+) and nlc.nref_node_id = n.node_id(+) and nlc.link_id = sp.link_id(+)) a,

(select nlc.link_id link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, nvl(nvl(sn.hplon,n.hplon),nlc.ref_node_lon*100) LON, nvl(nvl(sn.hplat,n.hplat),nlc.ref_node_lat*100) LAT, n.hpelevation ELEV, 0 sequence from nt_cv_spline_junction sn, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc, nt_cv_spline_node n

where nlc.ref_node_id = sn.node_id(+) and nlc.ref_node_id = n.node_id(+)

union select nlc.link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, hplon, hplat, hpelevation, sequence from nt_cv_spline_shape_point sp, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc where nlc.link_id = sp.link_id

union select nsp.link_id, nsp.functional_class fc, nsp.lon*100,*100, null, nsp.sequence from adas_jn_nav_shape_pt nsp where not exists (select 1 from nt_cv_spline_shape_point where link_id = nsp.link_id)

union select nlc.link_id link_id, nlc.functional_class fc, nvl(nvl(sn.hplon,n.hplon),nlc.nref_node_lon*100), nvl(nvl(sn.hplat,n.hplat),nlc.nref_node_lat*100), n.hpelevation, nvl(sp.sequence,0)+1 from nt_cv_spline_junction sn, adas_jn_nav_lnk_cur nlc, nt_cv_spline_node n, (select ns.link_id, nvl(max(s.sequence),max(ns.sequence)) sequence from nt_cv_spline_shape_point s, adas_jn_nav_shape_pt ns where s.link_id(+) = ns.link_id GROUP BY ns.link_id) sp

where nlc.nref_node_id = sn.node_id(+) and nlc.nref_node_id = n.node_id(+) and nlc.link_id = sp.link_id(+)) b

where a.link_id = b.link_id and a.sequence+1 = b.sequence and a.fc = 1

GROUP BY a.link_id, a.fc, case when a.elev is null or b.elev is null then '2D' else '3D' end;


MetaSense, Inc.

NJ Minority Certified Company
2 Keystone Avenue,Suite # 500,

Cherry Hill, NJ 08003


Fax: (856) 475-0555


MetaSense Inc. is a Professional Services, Staff Augmentation, Web Design, Call Center, BPO Company with offices located in Mt. Laurel, NJ. MetaSense specializes in the delivery of cost effective, high-value Information Technology and Business Solutions since its inception in 1999.

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