Thursday, November 28, 2013

[discussion_vu] Read this Success Story


I'd like to share something interesting with you. Here's an excerpt from a real life-
Mondeep Dutta is working in his 3-bedroom apartment in Bangalore, earning anything between Rs100,000-300,000 a month. It's a weekday, and he is sitting in the comfort of his beanbag and typing away on the laptop.

Yes, this is real. He's working from home (WFH) - an option increasingly being offered by companies to people with little or no computer skills. Read more Here

He drives a Hyundai Verna that costs about Rs 900,000. He quit his call center job about 3 years back and has not looked back since then. He no longer has to waste hours stuck in the traffic and burning up his savings on fuel.

Don't just dream of this life, but live it too.

Take my word for it - my life has changed after taking up this opportunity. I quit my job in 2011 and now earn Rs125,000 a month at home.

Rita Sharma

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