
- The Divine Tablet is named as Al-Lawh al-Mahfudh (The Protected Tablet) because it is protected from Satan. (Jalalayn, Page 496)
- The Divine Tablet is made from white diamond and is hanging above the seventh heaven. (Jalalayn, Page 496)
- The length of Al-Qalam (Divine Pen) is one hundred years long. (Ibn Kathir, Surah Noon)
- Allah Almighty sent down 104 revelations, 100 scriptures and 4 books. (Hashiya al-Jalalayn, Page 366)
- 10 scriptures were revealed upon Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam, 50 upon Prophet Sheeth Alayhi's Salam, 30 upon Prophet Idrees Alayhi's Salam and 10 upon Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 2, Page 170)
- The Torah was revealed on 6th of Ramadan. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 55)
- Zaboor (Psalms) was revealed on 18th of Ramadan. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 55)
- Zaboor was revealed 482 years after Torah.
- Injil (Bible) was revealed on 13th of Ramadan (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 55) or on the 18th of Ramadan (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 2, Page 78)
- Injil was revealed 1050 years after Zaboor. (Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah, Vol. 2, Page 78)
- The Holy Qur'an was brought down from the Divine Tablet to the Fragrant House (al-Bayt al-Ma'moor) on the 27th night of Ramadan. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 35)
- There are six chapters of the Holy Qur'an which were revealed in the night; Surah al-An'am, Surah Maryam, Surah al-Munafiqoon, Surah al-Mursalat, Surah al-Falaq and Surah al-Nas. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 28)
- The only Companion whose name is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an is Sayyiduna Zayd Ibn Harithah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu in Surah Ahzab verse 37. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 180)
- The only woman to be mentioned in the Holy Qur'an by name is Sayyidah Maryam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha (the mother of Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam). (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 181)
- There are 323,671 letters in the Holy Qur'an. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 89)
- Adam means soil in Hebraic language thus, Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam was given such a name as he was made from earthly soil. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 175)
- The first angel to prostrate to Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam was Jibra'il Alayhi's Salam. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The time when angels prostrated to Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam was between Midday and 'Asar. (al-Sawi, Vol. 1, Page 49)
- Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam gave forty years of his life to Prophet Dawud Alayhi's Salam. (Mishkat, Vol. 2, Page 400)
- When Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam passed away, there were 100,000 humans living on earth. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 416) and in another narration 700,000. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah)
- Sayyidah Hawwa Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha was created a week after the creation of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 313)
- The name Hawwa' is derived from the word Hayy, which means living. This is because she was created from a living being (Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam). (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 313)
- Prophet Idris Alayhi's Salam was born approximately one hundred years before the passing away of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. (Hashiya 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 276)
- Prophet Idris's original name was Akhnookh and in another narration, Khanoon (al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 175), but due to the constant studies (Dars) of the sacred texts he was named Idris. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- According to Imam al-Bukhari the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam saw Prophet Idris Alayhi's Salam on the fourth heaven. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- Prophet Nooh Alayhi's Salam was born 126 years after the passing away of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. His name is 'Abd al-Ghaffar. Nooh was his title which means 'lamentation'. He used to cry a lot thus, was given this title. (Al-Itqan, vol. 2, Page 183)
- Allah sent angel Jibra'il Alayhi's Salam to Prophet Nooh Alayhi's Salam to instruct him on the building of the ship. (Al-Itqan, vol. 2, Page 183)
- The building of the ship was completed in 2 years (Khaza'in al-'Irfan) and in another narration forty years. (Ibn Kathir)
- 124,000 planks of wood were used to build the ship and a Prophet's name was written on each plank of wood. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Page 8)
- The ship was 660 feet long, 330 feet wide and 33 feet tall. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 71)
- The coffin of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam was placed inside the ship. On one side of the coffin, the men sat, and on the other side, the women sat. (Al-Malfoodh, Vol. 1, Page 73)
- Prophet NooH Alayhi's Salam lived for 1050 years. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 175)
- Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was born two thousand years after the passing away of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 176)
- There were in total 73 idols. Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam destroyed 72 idols which were made from gold, silver, some from iron and copper and some from stones and wood. The biggest idol which he left was made from pure gold, which had a crown made from pearls. The eyes were made of emeralds which would shine in the dark. (Hashiya 'ala al-Jalalayn, Page 273)
- To ignite fire in which Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was to be thrown, wood was collected for a month, and the fire was heated for a week. (al-Jumal, Vol. 3, Page 163). The severity of the fire was such that the flames could be seen from hundreds of miles away. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 98)
- Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was thrown into the fire via a huge catapult and this was the first time a catapult was used. (Ibn Kathir)
- Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was sixteen years of age when he was thrown into the fire. Some say he was twenty six years old. (Ibn Kathir and al-Jumal, Vol. 3, Page 163)
- Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam lived for two hundred years. (al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 176)
- Isma'il is derived from two words, Isma', which means 'Listen!' and Il, which means 'Lord'. Because Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salamdid not have any children at the time, he used to supplicate to Allah for pious children thus,the child was named Isma'il ('O Lord! Listen to our prayers'). (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 820)
- Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was 99 years old when Prophet Isma'il Alayhi's Salam was born.
- Prophet Isma'il Alayhi's Salam was seven years old when he was taken to be sacrificed and in another narration he was 13 years old. (al-Jalalayn, Page 377)
- Prophet Ya'qoob's original name was Isra'il. This, in Hebraic means 'The servant of Allah'. Isra means servant or slave, and Il means Lord. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 4, p 7)
- Prophet Ya'qoob Alayhi's Salam smelt the fragrance of Prophet Yoosuf's shirt from the distance of a journey of eight days. (Al-Kamil Fi al-Tarikh, Vol. 1, Page 60)
- Prophet Yousuf was twelve years old when he saw the dream, as mentioned in the Holy Qur'an. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The brothers of Prophet Yousuf Alayhi's Salam sold him to the travellers of Egypt for twenty Dirhams. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The number of people who believed in Prophet Salih Alayhi's Salam was four thousand. (Al-Jalalayn, Page 185)
- Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam was born approximately seven hundred years after Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam. (Hashiyah 'ala al-Jalalayn, Page 138)
- The word Moosa is derived from two Coptic words, Moo which means water and Sa which means wood. (Rooh al-Bayan, Vol. 1, Page 91)
- Prophet Moosa's mother's name was Yuhaniz. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 188), his sister's name was Maryam (Khaza'in al-'Irfan), some have stated it was Kulthoom (al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 88) and his wife's name (the daughter of Prophet Shu'ayb Alayhi's Salam) was Safoora or Safuriya. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 188)
- Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam was one year younger than Prophet Haroon Alayhi's Salam. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 177)
- The staff of Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam was from Jannah. It was brought down by Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam and was approximately 10 to 12 hand-spans long. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 473)
- The snake of Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam was yellow and one mile long. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The number of magicians who challenged Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam was twelve thousand. (Hashiyah 'Ala al-Jalalayn)
- Samuri used the soil touched by the hooves of the horse of Jibra'il Alayhi's Salam. This was to give life to the golden calf he made. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 429)
- Prophet Khadir's name is Balya and his title is Abu al-'Abbas. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- Some say Prophet Dawud Alayhi's Salam ruled the kingdom for sixteen years and some say for forty years. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 178)
- Prophet Dawud Alayhi's Salam would make an armour and would sell it for his livelihood. Iron would become malleable in his hands. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- He could read Zaboor in sixty different melodies. (Al-Bidayah, Vol. 2, Page 16)
- Prophet Sulayman Alayhi's Salam was crowned king at the age of thirteen. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 178)
- Prophet Sulayman Alayhi's Salam heard the words of the ant which was three miles away. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The throne of Bilqees was made from gold, silver and large diamonds. It was thirty feet long, thirty feet wide and eighty feet tall. (Ibn Kathir)
- Bilqees had three hundred ministers. Under each minister were 12,000 soldiers. (Ibn Kathir)
- The words, "I am Allah, there is no deity except Me and MuHammad (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) is My servant and My Prophet" were engraved on Prophet Sulayman's ring. (Kanz al-'Ummal, Page 498)
- Prophet Ayyub's wife was the grand daughter of Prophet Yousuf Alayhi's Salam. Her name was Rahmah. (Hashiyah 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 276)
- Prophet Zakariyya Alayhi's Salam was 120 years old and his wife was 98 years old when they were given the good news of Prophet Yahya Alayhi's Salam. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- Prophet Yahya Alayhi's Salam was six months older than Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam. (Hashiyah 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 276)
- There were four thousand Prophets who came in the period between Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam and Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam, all of whom were upon the religion of Prophet Moosa Alayhi's Salam. (Hashiyah 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 276)
- Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam was one day old when he spoke to the people. (Hashiyah 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 276)
- The food mat that came down from the heavens after Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam supplicated was red. (Ibn Kathir)
- Four thousand people would eat from the food mat daily. (Ibn Kathir)
- Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam was 33 years old when he was raised to the skies. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 2, Page 179)
- Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam will descend upon the eastern Minaret of the Ummayad Masjid. (Bahar-e-Shari'at, Vol. 1, Page 23)
- Sayyidah Maryam Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha was thirteen years old when she gave birth to Prophet 'Isa Alayhi's Salam. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- The Beloved Prophet MuHammad SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam was born approximately 6750 years after the time of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, vol. 2, Page 32)
- The chest of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam was opened four times in his blessed life. (Tafsir Alam Nashrah, Page 10)
- The words 'MuHammad Rasoolullah' were written on the seal of Prophethood, which was situated on the back between the two shoulders. (Shawahid al-Nubuwwah, Page 251)
- The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam split the moon in two whilst standing on Mount Safa. One half was above Mount Abu Qubays and the other half was above Mount Qa'iqa'an. (Dala'il al-Nubuwwah, Page 244)
- The time of Mi'raj was less than four hours. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 3, Page 150)
- The prayer in Masjid al-Aqsa during Mi'raj was led by the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam. All the previous Prophets and Messengers prayed behind him standing in seven rows. In the first three rows stood all the Messengers and in the last four stood all other Prophets. Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was directly behind the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam in the first row. (Rooh al-Bayan, Vol. 5, Page 112)
- There were nineteen white hairs in the blessed beard of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam. (Tafsir Alam Nashrah, Page 199)
- The last prayer led by the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam was Salat al-Maghrib. (Ibn Kathir)
- The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam left this world on Monday, and was laid to rest on Thursday. (Madarij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 2, Page 749)
- When the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam was laid to rest in his grave, companions saw the blessed lips moving. They went closer and heard the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam saying, "Rabbi Ummati Ummati" (O my Lord! My Ummah, my Ummah). (Madarij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 2, Page 751)
- The Holy Ka'ba has been built ten times. (Hashiya 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 281)
- The Ka'ba built by Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam was nine feet tall. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 845)
- 'Umar Ibn Lahiyy ibn Haritha was the first person to place an idol on top of the Ka'ba. The name of the idol was Hubul. (Tarikh al-Islam, Vol. 1, Page 68)
- Abraha came to Makkah with an army that consisted of 40,000 elephants and 300,000 soldiers. The elephant he was sat on was called MaHmood and it was white. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Page 149)
- The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam constructed his Masjid twice in his lifetime. (Madarij al-Nubuwwah)
- The original Mimbar of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam was two feet long and one foot wide and had three steps. The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam would sit on the third step and would place his blessed feet on the second step. (Madarij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 2, Page 545)
- The dome was placed upon the blessed chamber in 678 A. H. (Wafa' al-Wafa', Vol. 2, Page 609). Initially it was white in colour, then, in 1255A. H. by the order of Sultan MaHmood it was painted in green.
- The blessed Companion Umm 'Atiyyah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anha used to bathe dead women during the time of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam. (al-Bukhari, Page 168)
- The beauty of Sayyidah Sara (wife of Prophet Ibrahim Alayhi's Salam) was matchless. Prophet Yousuf Alayhi's Salam inherited that beauty from her. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 840)
- Jinns were created on Thursday (Ibn Kathir) and they came to this earth 60,000 years prior to the creation of Prophet Adam Alayhi's Salam. (Tafsir Na'imi, Vol. 1, Page 279)
- Angel Jibra'il Alayhi's Salam has 600 wings. (Ibn Kathir) His horse's name is Hayzoom. (Madarij al-Nubuwwah)
- The angel of death comes with 600,000 angels of mercy to take the soul of a believer, and comes with 600,000 angels of punishment to take the soul of a disbeliever. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Vol. 3, Page 105)
- The gatekeeper of paradise is Ridwan and the gatekeeper of Hell is Malik. (Al-Itqan, Vol. 1, Page 60)
- Iblis's father's name was Khablith and his mother's name was Nablith. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Page 15)
- Gog Magog (Yajooz Majooz) are from the children of Yafith ibn Nooh Alayhi's Salam. (Khaza'in al-'Irfan)
- Initially sea water was sweet. When Qabil killed Sayyiduna Habil, the water became salty. (Hashiya 'Ala al-Jalalayn, Page 344)
- The sky cried over the martyrdom of two people, Prophet Yahya Alayhi's Salam and Sayyiduna Imam Husayn Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu. The crying here means turning red. (Ibn Kathir).
- Six Companions were martyred during the battle of Khandaq. (Ma'arij al-Nubuwwah, Page 111)

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