Wednesday, January 19, 2011

[discussion_vu] The Magical God Mode Folder in Windows 7! Pc Lovers!

Hi Fellows!

Hope you fine and shine. today my sharing is create GOD made folder in window 7. first of all we have to know about that What is GOD Mode Folder?
It's a folder packed with shortcuts to just about every settings change and administrative function in Windows 7. Everything you'll find in the Action Center, Backup and Restore, Autorun, Desktop Gadgets, Devices and Printers — it's all there. All dumped in one central location for easy access. Learn how to do it:

1]- Create a New Folder anywhere in the drive your Windows is installed(You can create a new folder in My Documents or Desktop..anywhere its your wish).

2]- After creating the New Folder, right click on it and rename it to-

3]- You are done, you now have the GODMODE Folder with you. Enjoy all your powers!!

PS- It works with all versions of Windows 7, Works with Vista 32 bit as well, though I have heard that Vista 64 bit crashes on attempting this. So 64 Bitters with Vista Beware!

reply with thanks if you like it!


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