Monday, March 28, 2011

[Outsource:49138] Save Hours Posting Your Resume & Applying for Jobs

Save Hours Posting Your Resume & Applying for Jobs


People often complain about the little things in a job search, like finding all the job boards their resume could be posted to and the daily grind of re-posting their resume. Re-posting is a necessity because each day your resume drops lower in the search results as more people post theirs.


In bad job markets, it Is also necessary to be checking the job boards all day long to reply to ads because you want your resume to be among the first to arrive and not among the second or third hundred they read as their eyes are getting bleary.


Resume Rabbit and MyJobHunter are two products that work very well side-by-side to generate job leads.


Resume Rabbit will simplify posting and re-posting for you. They will post your resume to more than 80 sites!  Even better, you’ll have 1 single log in, instead of 80, reports from all the sites your resume was posted to, spam and identity protection PLUS updates as new jobs are posted.


MyJobHunter scours the job boards and automatically applies to jobs that meet your criteria.  Your resume arrives 2nd, not 322nd!


Check out Resume Rabbit and MyJobHunter and save hours! The two together will go a long way toward taking the tedium out of looking for work and getting you back to the job you really want to do.



Jeff Altman

The Big Game Hunter


P.S. If you have started to use the service and didn’t complete the process, head back and finish signing up!



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